Wednesday, April 24, 2013

I just printed out my completed degree audit.  That's right, I am officially done with college.  But for those of you who are unfamiliar with the nursing world, unfortunately, this does not mean I am done taking tests forever.  A four-year education gives me a BSN.  In order to obtain my RN license I need to pass the NCLEX, which is my next task after graduation.  This will require many days of studying for hours and taking way too many ATI tests on my laptop, crossing my fingers that I score high enough to not need to retake them again. I plan to visit every coffee shop in the Harrisburg area and I will keep you all posted as to which shop has the best atmosphere and who's making the best lattes around.  Any bad latte will be replaced immediately by a fresh cup of dunkin donuts coffee (of course).

As for the rest of my summer plans, I am a little apprehensive but eager to step into a season of 'rest' for the next three months.  I start my nursing job after the wedding in the end of August, and I decided to take the summer to just prepare myself for everything in life, because it's all in this huge process of changing.  I hope to spend lots of time in prayer, reading, getting coffee with friends, preparing and reviewing to begin working in August, planning the wedding, and enjoying this season of engagement as well as my last few months at home with my parents.  

I wish I had the time to write about every day from the last few weeks, but that's not really logical.  Some highlights of my life these last few weeks include:

-Spending last Tuesday at the Indianapolis Zoo with Emily and Emma (our little baby-friend).  Emily watches Emma a couple times a week, and this year, I ended up spending a lot of those afternoons with them.  Emma has seen me cry countless times, and I swear that child already has the gift of empathy.

-Seeing evidence of all the growth in Loretta over the last few years and spending time in prayer on our last night together.  It is hard to believe Em and I have been mentoring her for the last four years, and she is graduating from high school in June.  Love her to pieces, and I'm dreading saying goodbye to her.

-Being completely covered in love at my bridal shower here at school this past weekend.  I am so grateful for the girls who are a part of my life, and for the ways they encourage me and make me laugh.

-Receiving the most precious and loving gifts from my residents this week before our last unit dinner.  They gave me a huge basket full of gifts from each of the girls and lots of letters and words of encouragement and thanks.  I have been so blessed by the girls in Beckett east 2 east, and I will miss them greatly.

-Taking the plunge into the pool in those lovely white scrubs with the rest of the senior nursing majors.  Fact: I did not know how to get to the pool.  Senior swim was a blast.  

-The culmination of my time in North (Beckett) Hall came last night on my final night on duty.  Tradition here in Beckett Hall is to have a dance party the night before finals are over.  This year, we decided to go big or go home.  We went big.  Let's just say, I ended the night dripping in sweat with a white Santa wig on my head.  With that many eastside staff alum in the room, we of course ended the night with the biggest and most energetic rendition of "Eastside We'll Make Tigers Out of You" I have ever been a part of.  Surrounded by girls from each of the staffs I have been a part of, it was just great.

Tomorrow, my parents get here.  The next day, Steve, Andrea and Paul will be here and graduation stuff starts.  I'm ready! 

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